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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Kristina Caban Branding Photos

The Scarlet Letter

Kristina Caban branded Samir Sara with a capital letter "R" after he broke up with her. The now 23-year-old School of Visual Arts student seared a 4-inch high letter "R" into her ex-lover after he failed to call her after a one-night stand in 2004. Two men, her boyfriend Robert Testagrossa and Joel Leonhard, helped her subdue Sara after being falsely told that he had raped her.

On October 22, 2006, Kristina Caban lured Sara to the Chelsea Inn hotel in New York where he was Tasered, tied up, and then branded on the stomach with a hot wire brand. Although she had intended to complete the word "RAPIST" on his body, Caban and her accomplices ran off after Sara screamed.

Now, Kristina Caban is facing five years in prison, and her photography website has been taken down. There are some photos cached by Google, however.

Showing another side to her personality, Kristina Caban's XuQa social networking profile says that she's "carefree, laid back and down to earth." On partying, she is "wild. i'm the party girl who knows how to keep it in check. yes i'll go out and live it up till 6am, but i'm still holding down the 3.8. gatta giv a girl props!" Nothing would seem to indicate a tendency to brand ex-boyfriends except the part about handcuffs.

Interestingly, accomplice Testagrossa is the son of a high-powered attorney in the Queens County District Attorney's Office. He has also pleaded guilty to assault and is facing sentencing.

Kristina Caban Photos

Kristina Caban

Kristina Caban

Kristina Caban

Kristina Caban 2

Kristina Caban XuQa Profile

Kristina Caban XuQa Profile

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