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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Tutorial: Backup Your Flickr Photos Easily

Normally, you don't need to backup your Flickr photos since you probably already have them on your computer. However, if you upload a lot of photos from your cell phone, then backing them up is essential if you're concerned about accidentally deleting them or losing access to your account. Luckily, there's a simple tool you can use to backup your photos: Flickr Backup.

1. Download Flickr Backup for Windows. Choose any server and click Download. If you need the Mac version, get it here. The platform independent one is here.
2. Unzip the file and double click on the Flickr Backup application. This should open up a window in your browser where you can login to your Flickr account. Enter your username and password.
3. Click Ok, I'll Allow It so the backup program can access your photos.
4. If you're successful, you will see the following. Now, go back to Flickr Backup and you should see thumbnails of your photos.
5. Click Select All if you want to backup all of your photos or click the box next to each photo individually if you want to be selective. You can also backup based on Sets, which might save you some time. Unfortunately, this can be time consuming if you have a lot of photos to sort through. Click Backup Selected at the bottom once you are done.

6. You can choose to backup to your hard drive or to a CD or DVD. You can even choose to compress the photos as Zip files if you want to save space. Choose a directory to store the photos and click Start Backup.
7. And you're done.


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Reader Comments:

This Flick Backup sucks!! If you don't have a premium flickr account it will backup only the photos at your photostream.

It's not meant to backup other people's photostreams, only yours. That's why you need to give it access.

even if you do have a pro account the flickr backup app i crap. Damn java crap frezes every time i try (have done this on two mac and 1 windows pc). I only have about 300 images on flickr, but it has never bee close to backup all. (not in one go, not at all)

I'm still searching for a good solution on backing up flickr photos, and I'm sure the java flickr backup app is not the answer.



You might want to sign up for the beta test of Liberatr, which backs up Flickr images, tags, descriptions, and titles.

I haven't tried it out personally, but it might work better for you than Flickr Backup.

well worked for me - not a pro account & only had a hundred pics - took a few minutes but was efficient and worked as advertised ...

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