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Monday, April 21, 2008

Miley Cyrus MySpace Pictures

Inappropriate Photos

Miley Cyrus, the young star of Disney's "Hannah Montana", is starring in yet another set of provocative photos leaked onto the Internet. This time, the 15-year-old actress is photographed lying in bed with a boy, who's apparently enjoying the view of Miley with her shirt off. Another photo features Miley lifting off a white top to reveal a green bra and some cleavage.

More Scandals

These "slutty" photos of Miley Cyrus were apparently first leaked onto LiveJournal by an unknown source. They were originally posted on Miley's MySpace account. A history of such leaks is more troubling however.

Just last year, there were rumors that Miley had become pregnant according to an interview with J-14 magazine. Then came rumors that she was a lesbian after photos were leaked from a sleepover with a girlfriend. After that, the underwear photos hit the web. As more and more indiscreet incidents have cropped up, the parents of young fans of Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus are starting to become more and more worried about her fitness to be their kids' role model and asking themselves, "What's the next scandal?"

All this attention comes at a price though. According to Parade magazine and usmagazine.com, Miley's acting and singing career netted her $18.2 million in 2007.

Miley Cyrus Pictures

Miley Cyrus Bra

Miley Cyrus Reveals Bra

Miley Cyrus in Bed with Guy

Miley Cyrus in Bed with Guy

Miley Cyrus Admired by Guy

Miley Cyrus Admired by Guy

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Reader Comments:

u are a slut miley!!!

Damn Miley, I didn't know you were that sexy! You are better like that then on ur show. Keep it Up!

OMG America is soo ridiculous. It's not like she's posing butt naked with a boys hands all over her. I bet if you searched ur teens daughter u'd find worst things. i mean seriously... Just because the Public wants to her to be this wholesome perfect little girl.. Doesn't mean every time she does something means she's a "slut." And those pictures were probably just shots she took with her friends when they were hanging out. To compare her to Brittney or Lohan..is ridiculous. I'm not even a HUGE Miley fan.. but sometimes you people take things wayyy to far just to make news. Next thing u know ur gonna have a pic of her having a peice of a banana from a fruit salad..and ur gonna turn it into something disgusting. Stop tryna ruin peoples careers. She's just being a teenage girl.

a bunch of the photos dont even look like miley, r u positive it is her?

she is a friggin' loser! she doen't know how to sing or act! she is NOT sexy either. And yea, her bobs aren't nice, what a slut!

i meant to say, he boobs are tiny and she isn't even sexy, seesh, get a life miley!!!

loser, stop trying 2 be cool and sexy cuz you aren't! stop trying to show off you boobs and get a life slut!

this is retarded. as stated "slutty" pictures dont mean she slept with anyone. and if shes not a big deal then stop reading and posting about her. maybe your the one that needs to get a life and get in touch with reality. sex exists believe it or not. for most of us adults, which used to include most teenagers, the real world includes sex. try getting laid and stop judging other ppl.

america what a bunch of wankas. come to aus and you see worse than that on a beach every day. get a life nerds

eewww that boys an ugly piece of shit look at his ugly face he looks wacked on crack ugly piece of shit and miley whats up man i looked up too you azz my idol the only one i look up too now is ashley tisdale what has she done wrong

OMFG u fuckin slut. I wonder if kids will like you now. You are some kids role models. Miley i cant believe you do this in front of fans.

by the looks of it about 98% of people that have left replies are ignorant wannabes who are jealous of a very bright and talented girl. If you are a fan of Ms. Cyrus (or even have a functioning brain) then you would know that not all the pics that have showed up on the internet are really of her and will continue to support her through her career. I am a parent of 3 die hard Miley Cyrus fans and we have faith in her and will continue to give her our support. She is one role model that I am glad my children have. So for all you jealous little wannabes GET A LIFE N BACK OFF!

this isnt even her its a look alike

I hate miley!!!! She is just a fucking spoiled little brat!! and some ppl say u think were jelous. Jelouus of what a slutty brat come on who would be jelous of that she is a bitch who has no talent what so ever she is a slut as well. I mean come on what do u see that you call " talent " in this bitchy wannabe. She is just a spoiled brat and slut. Yea there are many ppl who look up to her but look up to what a bitch?? I would rather look up to a piece of shit instead of her.. She is worse than a piece of shit. She is wannabe singer/actor and is a slut brat and bitch all mixed into one that ppl "look up to ". MILEY GET A LIFE !!!

ewwww she's so disgusting. slut!
grow up! what does daddy think of her

i used to look up to miley and i still will. every teenager goes these stuff at a time of their live even i did some stuff like that but i changed after a while and i know miley will to

First of all, do you know how many fucking people actaully can pose as miley.. a whole shit load! stop trying to make your life interesting by judging people that arent even her. If you dont like her then leave her alone what the hell has she done to you! exactly..NOTHING so shut your god damn mouths and get a life she is a great role model and NOBODY's PERFECT!!

"nice rolemodel slut!!"

why did you send those pictures?

you should be ashamed

Are people extremely blind or something? look at the pictures, that is not miley it doesnt look like her at all, c'mon people get a life

i mean shes just being a regular teen! but showing ur bra like that. ummmmm she shouldnt have. because she has so many young kids that look up to her. dont call her a slut just a teen.

first off, i am a teen.. and i have never and will never do anything like that.. even if it isn't her, it is still slutty. not being a teen... don't say that she is just being a teen it is ridiculous...

America... America... You keep on surprising me. I'm amazed almost every day by how hypochritical you are.

People shooting people and violence on tv and in society is no problem. Owning guns, a law enforced in 1500 or close before which is obviously not of this time anymore, is no problem (yea i know people kill people, but without guns you are good if you can kill a human with one blow, and you have to look someone in the eye, which makes the kill a million times harder). You bomb countries killing millions because someone dared to oppose the USA (or someone decided to cut back oilsupplies, who knows...). You don't even know where the countries are you are bombing. Australia isn't North Korea, sorry (you've all probably seen the movieclip).

But a kiss or a tit on tv or seeing the bellybutton of a truely innocent 15 year old makes your whole nation go wild. What do you think your children do after school and when going out at night? Pray to their allmighty God? Don't let me laugh please.

People calling this girl a slut should look at themselves and try to explain the controverse in theirselves. Backtrack what they did on that age and say without hesitation they didn't do stuff like this. I bet almost noone can.

Pointing to other people is sooooo easy. Taking responsibility for mischief in the own society isn't part of the American "dream" I understand... Pointing with the finger is, Even without proper motivation...

Grow up and get a life please. Come have a look in Europe (where crime is LOWER than in USA, less drug addicts, less people in jail, no stigmatic treatment of colored people, no wars started based on shady motivation and so on) where people know what humanism is and what freedom is realy all about. You might reconsider your residence...

Land of the brave, Land of the free. Yeah RIGHT.

You and your parents should be ashamed.What were you thinking?I know it seems harmless
to you, but you have fans that look up to you for guidence.
I have a Nephew who watches your show because he thinks your a pretty girl; I don't want him to get the wrong idea about you or other girls for that matter. You
don't need to take racey pictures of yourself to feel or be beautiful... Just be the fun, caring and loving person your fans fell in love with.
As for your parents they should be more careful about letting you pose
for pictures. Be the Responsilbe Miley we know you can be. No disrespect, but please don't follow
in Brinty Spears path.
God Bless... and Take care of yourself.
with what you let Miley do

wow miley your a big fucking slut. i wonder who will like you now.

Your a fucking SLUTY HORE!

omg miley you are a whore,, that guy you with is fucking ugly cow ass.. jeez u will never be sexy,,how could do this to yourself no one will ever like you again u whore!! yea y dont u take a video of u having sex with the guy,, wont be surprise if you already did!!

all you haters fuck off
i love miley
just let her be


she really does have no talent and i dont really judge...she got this job because disney wanted billy ray cyrus(Pervert) to play the dad and he said he wouldnt do it if they didnt sign miley...she tried out 7 times for that part and was rejected each time....she really needs to stop being a slut if she wanted this ob so bad...kids see this stuff and immitate it ... irrisponsible jerk.

You guys don't even know what slutty is. So she showed a bit of bra, and omg she showed about 12 inches of her stomach, WHAT scandal! Come on. All you haters need to get a life and realize that while you're online chastising a 15 year old girl for showing a tiny bit of skin, your daughters are out there doing much worse, and you don't even know.

i luv miley alot but y r u bein lyk that miley? Lots of little kids ador u nd all u do is take sluttish pics of yourself. i am quite dissappointed:-(

This is not about ruining her career or anything.. this is the fact that millions of kids adore and look up to her and automatically she HAS to set a good example. That is the sacrifice she has to make when she "lives her dream". She said she's raised by a good family and how the fans matter to her but WHAT is up with all the pics? If she's being a teenage girl and teenage girls have their mistakes [i'm 15 too and i have my mistakes] but puh-lease, she's a star and she needs to know whats right or wrong.

Even if she wants to take those pics, cant she just make it private instead of putting it on Myspace? Is she too dumb to figure that out? Or maybe she just wants to grab Nick Jonas's attention. Her new song, 7 Things is OBVIOUSLY to him.

I'm a fan of Miley and unless she gives an explanation, I wont be her fan anymore. Just so disappointing.


I agree America is ridiculos... build a bridge and get over it.

LEAVE HER ALONE lmao, no homo but for real its just a picture,if she had pics of her naked on the net then u can say sumthin but its jus a pic let her live.


and no im not even a fan so im not being bias



Girls take pics like this alll the time. I have had a few cousins get into big trouble from their parents. It is somthing they think is cool, because they grew up with sex everywhere!! They see nothing wrong with the pics, and pics do not mean anything else. Be glad it is only a few mild pics. Her bra is showing?? Oh Crap, don't let that girl out in a bikini because let me tell how much more skin that would show of her. Let's go ahead and move things back a few years where women and men wore full out body suits to go swimming. God forbid I would have to see someone's mother in a bikini top, let a long all the bill boards with women in men in less than what is in Miley's photos. Come one people. Leave her alone, she is a star, but also a person! A teen that most likely wants a life, and obviously, she can't live like a teen because of people like you. She might be a role model to tons of children, but she also needs to be able to do things that millions of other teens do as well. People like the ones so mad at her is how Lindsay Lohan and Brittney turn out the way they did.

is this it?! when i heard about this at school people were making such a big deal about it i though she was like naked or smoking!!! he paparazzi is making a huge deal about this and it makes me sick!! i am like a huge fan of her and to see people calling her a slut breaks my heart!! she is expected to be 100% perfect that when she slips up its omg omg shes a slut!! well whatever!! i will always love miley and i hope all this blows over so i can listen to new music from her!!

all these people who are spouting comments like "slut" and "loser" should be the ones getting a life. She's just being a teenage girl, doing what teenage girls do with their friends. If you look closely at most of the pictures, she's just laying there. I'm an 18 year old girl, a virgin, AND I've laid in bed with my boyfriend before. Laying in a bed with someone does NOT mean you have had or will have sex with that person. I think it's a disgrace how America seems to have nothing better to do than spout insults about a little girl.

you guys should fuck off... shes not a bad girl i personally know her and all this bullshit about her posing for playboy is not true, shehas to good of family and is a smarter girl than that

why does everyone call her a slut a bet some ordenary person did that you wouldnt call them a slut all teens go threw this leave her alonee and get on with your lifes stop worring about other peoplesd

Wow Shes The Next Brittney Spears o.o

MILEY...god u little slut!!! you are supposed to be a role model for little girls... does this mean that you want them to think it is ok to go around pulling down your shirt, showing your cleavage , and laying half naked across guys?..i think your show should be taken off the air!!!! you are a horrible role model for little girls everywhere!!!!

Miley you suck like a stinky sweat sock. I used to be a fan of you but not anymore dirt bag! If you think your ugly way of "role-modeling" is right then you are a slut.By the way you look so pretty with your new ugly,lazy-eyed boyfriend--NOT.There is no way ur freak boyfriend is gonna make nick jonas jealous!

oh my gosh give her a break she is only 15 years old. those pictures are nothing compared to what other teen girls are putting on their myspace pages and on this internet overall she is covered and that it good enough yea she could b doing a better job with keeping it a sectect but still it gives us no right to judge her like that i know miley better than what others think and she is an amazing girl and she is very talented.... miley if you are reading this i am so sorry about what other people are saying about you i think you are doing a great job with your singing career you can contact me at arielcastino93@yahoo.com if you ever want to talk i will always be a fan....

If I were Miley Cyrus I wouldn't kiss anyone like him, and if I were to actually like him, his nose is to big for my lips to touch his! She's a tramp anyway...

hey people she is human and humans make mistakes so what that fuck and she took those pics she never ask anybody for many to pay for that so get a fucking live and stop talking shit about other ......

You are a slutty Whore Miley

Am i the only on who see's this, the guy next to her looks high.. lol

ok every one who evan cared to leave a comment sucks at life and if some sucky ass pop start anerix retard is your idle just go fucking kill your self

She is no different then millions of other teens and adults that were teens. America is too in love with the words "role model". Just be the best "YOU" can be without judging other people. Sensuality comes at all stages of life and it should be celebrated.

You, um, do realize that that isn't her right? The girl so doesn't look as much like her as some people looking to make trouble would like to think.

I agree with the Dutchman. Get a life, grow up, and leave the poor kid alone. Who knows, her parents were both there, maybe they forced her to do it for publicity. I mean, extra cash is extra cash, especially when you suck as much as Billy Cyrus does...

that fucking slut.
jeez why doesn't she just sign as a porn-star
only a slut would show her bra and start lifting her shirt with a guy in bedd.
mann if i was her parent i would be fucking embarressed to go out in public with herr.
i would also call her a sluttty trap bitchass whoree !
well she already iss.

that fucking cunt bitchy whore slut face trap
hass a harry stomacccch thats gross !

she a fucking slut and everyone should call her it.
fucking bitchy slut

slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut
slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut
slut slut slut slut slut slut slut!

She's just a girl. SO WHAT. At least she hasn't been reported doing drugs...as many teen's even younger then her have. Just because she's famous makes everyone else believe she can't even have a life. Take a loot at other 15 year old girl's MySpace pictures...you can't even compare them to Mileys. They are about a hundred times worse. So just because she is famous, we get all "omg shes a bad influence to my kids." The show is wholesome, which is what the kids should be watching instead of searching around the internet, if you're letting your kids do that, then they are pretty much asking for it.

^---- To the above... THANK YOU.

Oh my god. Shes such a slut and in no way a good role model.

And by the looks of it she has HORRIBLE taste in guys.

get a fucking life for all yall know she could be dating that boy sitting with a guy is not considered being a slut. only a fucking nun would think that. yall are just haters. get it girl. u rock! oh and btw shes not doing this shit infront of her fans! dumbasses! shes obviously in her room and one of their friends probably took the pic, got mad, and posted it. if you think this is bad i dont hear you guys critising every 15 year olds myspace in america cuz guys what? everyone takes pics like these. the only thing bad i have to say is she can do wayyy better!

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