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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Victoria Lindsay Beating Video

Victoria Lindsay is the victim of a vicious attack by her classmates, who took turns beating her and filmed the entire incident for YouTube. The 16-year-old cheerleader at Mulberry High in Lakeland, Florida, was targeted because of "trash talking" on MySpace and text messages.

Cheerleader Beating

The video, intended for posting on MySpace and YouTube, (scroll down to see the graphic video footage) shows the aftermath of a 30 minute ambush and beat down. As it starts, Victoria is being punched in the face by April Cooper, the 14-year-old leader of the group of 8 teens (6 girls and 2 boys) who attacked her. Why so vicious? April explains, "That's what you get, mother******!"

Victoria tries to get off the sofa and escape through the door, but April blocks her exit after another girl lands a couple hits in. The cameragirl provides running commentary on each hit, "Oh yeah, baby! Oh yeah!"

As April resumes her beat down, another girl (you can't make this up) says, "Don't hit the shelf!" Worried about furniture damage, April backs off a little and gets into a short discussion on fairness with Victoria. During the entire attack, Victoria never fights back.

Blame MySpace

According to the Polk County Sheriff's affadavit, the six girls involved were April Cooper (14-years-old), Britney Mayes (17), Cara Murphy (16), Brittini Hardcastle, Kayla Hassell (15) and Mercades Nichols. Two boys, Zachary Ashley (17) and Stephen Schumaker (18), provided cover while the girls delivered the beat down. Do they feel any remorse for what they did?

Following their arrests the girls joked in a holding cell. One asked if she would be able to make it to cheerleading practice the next day, while several others joked that they wouldn't be making it back to the beach anytime soon, he said.

"They seemed to have absolutely no remorse at all," Judd said. "They were just going to beat her. And beat her they did."

According to her father, Patrick Lindsay, Victoria, the victim, had a "history of anger problems" and was even put on probation after a fight with her mother. Of course, he blames MySpace for the beating: "As fair as I am concerned, MySpace is the anti-Christ for children."

Victoria Lindsay Beat Down Video

Victoria's Attackers

Victoria Lindsay's Attackers

April Cooper (top left), alleged leader, of the beating of Victoria Lindsay

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Cunts. Hopefully they'll get the same tretment in juvie or better yet, in an alley.

ip hope the girl holding the cam gets raped. and in the raping the guy says OOO YEAH BABY!! OOOHH YEAH!!!

What the hell were these people thinking?! And their parents, at least the ones who defended their children's actions, what kind of shit were they smoking? I don't care what age these girls were, 16 or 21, they know what's wrong and they should be held to the same standard as an adult. They want to take such "adult" actions when confronting someone, then they should definitly be treated as such. I hope that they get what's coming to them when they're sitting in that jail cell. See how many brutal beatings they can handle.

i would like that to happen to each of them, and karma will come around, and someone will beat there @$$ like they did that to victoria. ughhhhhhhhhhh i would like to rip there heads off =]

i added themm all on myspace, and plan to talk massive amounts about them. and maybe i can show them whats really good in the "dirty south" were them white biotches seem to think they are.

i hope they all get what they deserve.
this disgusts me.

hope those bitch and hoes pay for all her medical bills the injures they put on Victora is going to be expensive and not to metion psycharist so much for buying clothes at a&f and they'll be charge as an adults and send 18 year in prison this can be trailed attempted murder

When I was in high school we actually had pretty cheerleaders. They were girls who were friendly to other girls. As well, we didn't have VIDEO RECORDERS, GOD! Kids today are spoiled, I'll bet they all have IPODS, cellphones, video cameras, plasma TV's in their bedrooms and cars made since '06 - and absolutely no discipline nor have they been parented to have any consequences for their actions. This is a product of children being raised by single parents and the instituion of marriage falling apart, media sensationalism and hype, a microcosm of our society. There are worse things than this going on that will shock us in the near future, I will never be surprised by anything that will come to surface by our society which glamorizes failure, sex, divorce and violence. I am starting to be ashamed of living in this weak society.

wtf i am so pissed,the people go burn in HELL after your dead and have pain for ever, you are so sick stupid fucking girls,satan is in your mind stupid girls.

Victoria Lindsay , i hope you be better and wish you all the best. , I love you .


so she posted something on her myspace about them, big deal. that's a reason to physically beat her? i hope they get exactly what they deserve and that this will follow them around for the rest of thier lives. and ruin them. becasue victoria will always remember this.

All i know is that they better watch out now going back to MULBERRY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. i'm sure there will be a tons of people wanting to go there just to beat these 6 girls asses no matter who was invovled. MOMMY OBVIOUSLY DIDNT GIVE U A GOOD ENOUGH BEATING WHEN U WERE YOUNG. and i hope when these girls get out of jail that they read all of these comments from people.....my IQ lowered like 100 points from watching that video. what kind of scum on the earth would plan that out. oh yea and the parents of these teens also need to be beaten!

oh my god. those girls need to burn in HELL. fucking bitches. they have no right whatsoever to ever do anything like that to anyone.

i hope that thier parents also pay for raising thier children like that. BITCHES, all of them. even those boys that stood watch.

What goes around comes around! Those kids have whats coming to them. Violence does not stop in corrections system. My prayers go out to Victoria Lindsey and her family.

Here is the numers to reach each of this messed up people for a taste of there own medicine.

Brittini Hardcastle
Mercedes Nichols
Brittany Mayes
April Copper
Cara murphy
Kayla Hassel

if you listen to the video.... Victoria put the mean comment on myspace about one the girls becuase victoria's boyfriend cheated on her with one of the girl that was beating her..... shit i would be mad too and crap about her.... That girl started this not Victoria when she decided to take Victoria's boyfriend from her......... Stupid bitches.......
p.s. the girl in the blue tank top with the pony tail with the say it that she "Victoria's Boyfriend Macrus(or whatever)cheated on Victoria with her and ranaway from school and Victoria left the mean comment on MySpace"

I am in year 10 in high school! we have bitches, but you just ignore them!
The girls who did this to Victoria should wallow in their guilt forever more!
I hope they are happy with themselves this is jus disgusting that girls as young as 14 were invovled!!
like i said i hope that they all rot in the dark caverns of hell! total and utter BITCHES!

I agree I think they should be held down and have the shit beat outta them till they cant remember who they are

What these girls and boys did was unconscionable and disgusting. They should be punished to the maximum extent that the law allows, which will include lengthy prison sentences. I plan to personally contact the district attorney in that area with my thoughts and this matter and I guarantee there will be no leniency. These people will learn what “tough” is all about when they experience life in the general population. I hope it was worth it because their lives are effectively over.

With regard to civil matters, the families of these girls will also learn an important financial lesson as they will be cleaning out their bank accounts and selling their assets to compensate this poor girl. A lot of pain is coming their way and the value of teaching children right and wrong will be the cornerstone of this lesson.

I think that the girls and the two guys are fucking cowards..if they have a fucking problem with the girl do it one on one not 6 all at once it is the most fucking ridiculous thing I have ever seen. The girls are all obviously jealous of her good looks and everything else. I hope all those girls join Adolf Hitlers ass in hell they all need to feel what it is like to be held against their will and fucked up. And you don't get any more fucking retarded to put it on the internet

I think that the girls and the two guys are fucking cowards..if they have a fucking problem with the girl do it one on one not 6 all at once it is the most fucking ridiculous thing I have ever seen. The girls are all obviously jealous of her good looks and everything else. I hope all those girls join Adolf Hitlers ass in hell they all need to feel what it is like to be held against their will and fucked up. And you don't get any more fucking retarded to put it on the internet

this is awful but i just can't understand why she didn't fight back. i now there was 6 girls and just she but i could never stand like that and let them punch me without doing something

Ok i agree it was messed up, but lets be serious. Things like this happen all the time everywhere. The only reason people even care was because it was put out for the world to see. I feel really bad for her and the other thousands of people that got their ass beat once or twice. What makes her so different?

The fact is, at most of their ages, they will never get what they deserve. Although the news reports have made some mention of it, it sounds like Victoria might be left blind in one eye. At worst, they'll get upto 5 years in prison.

At best, one would deserve much worse. Hopefully, Victoria will be able to sue them and make them all work and pay her for the rest of their lives.

NONE of them even look like "cheerleaders"

none of them even look like "cheerleaders"

I hope they go to jail for a long. Just seeing part of what they did to her is horrible

It is an awful, terrible thing these girls did! Not that all the blames should be on the parents, as these are really young women close to adulthood, but what kind of parents do these girls have???
Finally, the extreme hatred and viciousness shown by the people responding to the video on this site is scary, too!! How are all the name calling, threatening words, and wishes for horrible things to happen to these young women any better that what we all just witnessed???

If these losers were worried about what was being said about them online before this video was released, they might as well kill themselves now. Every one who sees the Victoria Lindsay beating will forever hate these girls. They will never be trusted, not by family or friends. I would petition that they never be left alone with anyone under 18 years old. I would fear what any of them might do if they were left to babysit a screaming child. Society is lucky to have caught this on video so that these vermin can rot in jail and do no further harm.

These girls should thank their lucky stars, they didn't go to my high school, they would be mutalated by the girls at my old high school! I hope that they get sent to the roughest and toughest all womans prison, 12 of the biggest meanest and toughest woman there, put them all in a room, and let them woman beat the hell out of them for about 10 minutes or more!! Doesn't matter, they will get whats coming for them! I hope that their lives are over!! Someone better have their backs, cause their gonna need it!! Karma is a bitch, and THEY WILL GET WHAT WHAT THEY DESERVE 100 times worse then what they did to that poor girl!!

I say send everyone of teens to Iran or Iraq, or China, or Sudan. With no money just the clothes on there backs.

I'm sorry to hear about this. It's really too terrible.

It all goes back to the parents and how fucked up they are to have raised some ugly ass horrible dirty nasty scank ass bitches.. I hope all of them get what they deserve in jail.. They won't be so tuff then.. It just goes to show that one of the girls said "looks like we won't make it to the beach" ignorance I tell ya.. What a bunch of losers Jealousy is the problem here by the looks of these girls my dogs ass looks better then them and victoria sweety you are beautiful I hope you have a speedy recovery.. And in time you will heal.. God Bless you!!!

I agree with most of the people on this page. However, I think that having technology is not a factor in their actions. The harassment of this girl was because the others were insecure and she revealed that about them. They wanted to seem like hard-asses because she made them feel week. I would be ashamed to be affiliated with these girls. I'm in high-school too, and I can't these types of people. They think they're invulnerable just because their malevolent actions harmed a peer. In fact, they were all seventeen, and she was sixteen. They had to pick on someone younger, and although the age difference isn't that big, it's still there. If any of you assholes that beat her are reading this, PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN AGE. STOP BEING SUCH COWARDS.

damn those girls are fucking ugly.
no wonder they had so much anger.


those two guys that stood outside can come see me in the streets if they think there tough ill beat the shit out of them pussys

this just went wayy too far. i hope they all go to jail for the rest of theirlives and get their asses beat by the girls in jail everyday...they would deserve every minute of it. if they did that shit up here where i am from...they wouldnt be livin right now. and as for the mother...your kid aint innocent...tryin to warn her or not she was involves so stop being in denial and grow up...these girls deserve every bit of what they are getting...i just hope victoria can see again and gets her hearing back


i personally think that they need to punish them the way they treated that girl. i feel real bad for the parents sake and for victoria herself. lets just hope that she is ok and will recover very soon.

im all the way in alaska and im so disugtest. i couldnt even watch the little bit of the video left to watch. i wish i could have seen it all, although i know it would upset me. what were these girls thinking,thats the appitamy of DUMBASSES. look at what they got now. nothing and if they ever do get out able to go in public....haha it wont be very fun because it looks like the whole fuckin world hates them...is that what they wanted that what they got. and VICTORIA her life is ruined. but hunny let me tell u...ur the victim and not like the fuckin whores who did this to you... so make ur life worth something to show those bitches what their life could have, and never will be

eww all dese bitch r like fat as hell of the look like they fell down da ugly tree and hit err branch down hope those bitches get fuck up by da chola's in da jail cell hope they come out lookin uglyer dem dey alreafy r skanks need ta get a life an not try ta get popular off of you tube

Something very similar happened to my niece. It was very hard as a family member to see someone you love get hurt and helpless. This incident happened at school and there was no school officials to help her out. It too was posted on myspace and youtube. Fortunately, I forwarded everything to police and to the school. The other parties that were involved were expelled. WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR YOUTH? TOO BE SO DUMB AND HAVE PROOF FOR OUR COURTS?

that was so wrong what they did.
they new she couldnt fight back with all 6 of them hitting her.
they deserve every amount of pain they ever feel, if not more. and karma, is a bitch. =]

Being a mother this horrifies me..
Young ladies acting this way is just to much for me..
I would never hope for any of this to happen to anyone.. all i can say is Karma! Karma will kick you in the ass.



I've been reading about this for a couple of hours now and while reading about it I'm stuck with this nauseous feeling.

Although logically I'm inclined to say that the severity in this crime is not extraordinary nor is it the first time I've heard atrocities like this being performed by teenage girls.

Also against popular opinion I would argue that in this incident myspace / youtube may have been a fairly direct cause, especially so if they wanted to make this video viral but again I don't find this case extraordinary. Events like this do happen for a multitude of reasons, the really worrying part is that peoples so easily falls into this pattern and therein lays the real problem in my humble opinion.

Humans are capable of acts like this, easily. Freud refers to it as thanatos or in other phrasing the "destructive" powers that all humans are born with. I know it's simplifying but I would say something is rotten with popular culture which goes alot deeper then new media or any other superficial cause anyone attributes to this incident.

I just hear what hapen to Victoria, and thous motherfuckers, i hope they get beat down prison style so they learn what it feels like, fucking biches, what tha fuck is hapen to the teens this days, and for a post...tha´s fucking stupid you are ruin your lives for a shit like that, stupid stupid fuckers, if i see you i will spit in your faces fuckers, i hope that Victoria is better know, empatizo contigo y te deseo lo mejor.

I hope those losers get what they deserve plus so much more. They dont even deserve to live. Clowns. I really hope that Victoria makes a fast and full recovery!

you know what let me meat those lil b****S and let me teach them a dam lesson. what the hell is wrong with them thats not cool that girl chould of died. This makes me so mad even when i see the video it just makes me want to you know beat the f out of them girls

Personally I think all of them, including the victim, sound like stuck up bitches. Making stupid comments and trash talking on Myspace is something only a child would do (or one with the intelligence and tempermant of child). Although even more stupid were the girls who were not only fucking pathetic to gang up on her 8 to 1 (and face it, what the fuck was up with their fighting 'skills?' It was like watching four year olds whack eachother), but they were so stupid they decided to videotape without thinking of the consquences. They deserve to go to jail for not only brutality, but for being fucking stupid.

Are all teens from the South and South East (mainly Texas and Florida) fucking idiots? I mean first the girl who kills her baby in Texas (and the entire school didn't know she was pregnant), and then the black girl who got like 7 YEARS in prison for PUSHING A HALL MONITOR! (although she was let out early after this news became public...but seriously, WTF! She went to jail and these girls probably won't). Now this case of lack of intelligence and fucking pettiness is just sad, seriously.

All of them (from the victim with her pathetic myspace fights to the 8 cowards who needed to team up on her to get her back) need to grow the fuck up. God, no wonder everyone critizes America. With idiots and stuck-up bitches like those girls all over the news, who can blame them.

ok these girls have it coming for them i mean seriously an then there joking bout it!!!!! an why are 17, an 18 years old involved i mean seriously!?! they all need to grow up!!!!

Thank you for removing that video online. Nobody ever deserves what happened to her. I as a parent hope that we can do something to prevent this from happening again. Good Luck to Lindsay.

what is everybody so upset about, its an ass beating people act like they never got beat up when they were younger, she will get over it. For the kids that beat her yeah they desearve to be punished give them probation or sumthing they dont desearve to go to jail. I got jumped by 5 guys and they stole my bike nobody went to jail. Everybody is talking about these kids parents but now a days parents go directly to the court system so there might as well not be parents anymore. everybody should be court house babies.

More or less, it was dumb. know why? because they had one kid there who was 18, and they video taped it. sssssmart. They didn't do it to hurt her, they did it because they wanted friend requests on myspace and youtube, because they made a "Cheerleader massacre".

poor kids. and look at them talk about malibu's most wanted.... they are gonna get their trailer trash asses beat in Juvi, and even worse when they go back to school...that is of course if they get out in time.

What I want to know is, where were the parents of these children? probably out smoking crack and fucking cab drivers. No wonder the kids all have meth scars, and dandruff.

Prayers for Victoria. Dont worry darling, those kids, well deep down their souls are so pathetic, and they will probably hang themselves with a bed sheet, hopefully.

in eighth grade i had a bunch of girls try to do the same thing to me.

no one could ever deserve that.

i hope they get exactly what they deserve.

Yes, those girls had no right to beat up Victoria... but people, come on... stop blaming myspace, youtube, society in general, etc!!! Those girls are fucked up, yes, but that's their problem... when you blame something else for their actions, they you're letting them off the hook and saying "oh it's not their fault", when it is! be realistic people, they acted like this because that's the way they are, not because society made them this way...

Really I hope I can get 5 minutes with their MOM and DADS!!! To put some sense in to them!! Cuz if they keeps supportng their kids like that God knows where are they going to stop!! This lil girl that dont know how to clean their behinds well yet want to be superior beating up somebody. I cant imagine how desperae this girl felt. Lets see how much they cried when they get the same treatment in jail!! how ease is to beat soe1 beatween 6 lets c if they do it on their own!And those 2boys they look that they are the 1's that do everything just to fit in!!


hell yea, fucking amen.

Crazy, i bet they'll all get their asses beat when they get out of jail anyways. You know they're scared as shit.

6 teen girls are crazy to beat one teen girl up. If these girls want to fight with karate girl. Bye to them. They can turn into coma. I wish Victoria is karate girl.

Their parents are stink discriple. I think Super Nanny should visit all them so what she thinks.

WOW...they are such losers to do that....BO duhhhh they would get in trouble you think a girl w/ loss of hearing and a blury eye wouldnt tell anyone! I hope they relly learn a leason and dont do dumb crap like they just did!


i know dat bitch kayla hassell she went union academy with me and she was a nasty stankin hoe who flrt with EVERYBODY!!!!! and she always talkin trash to somebody... well for the hope of GOD i hope she learns a good lesson in this and i hope she suffers in jail.....p.s. hope u neva see daylight agin ... BITCH!!!

they wanted to be famous for beating up a girl?
those bitches want fame? well, they got it.

how do you like it now?


They're all pussies.
how cool are you when you have six girls beating up one.

they all need to have the shit beat out of them, and the parents that are defending their children's actions needs to be beat too.
i hope they all get lured into some empty house and the same thing happens to them and see how much they laugh then.

There all a bunch of bitches and i hope they all get tried as adults and get thrown into a real jail not fucking juvie.

This is the most digusting thing ive ever heard! what can of humans are they..i hope they die and burn in hell. How can they beat someone that much and now Victoria has to suffer because of stupid girls..and those two guys ..its so sick!!....they better do time in prision...or else ..i swear that would be the most sickening fact ever to have those sluts out on the streets..hurting another innocent person.

ok omg. i am sick to my stomach from watching that video. that girl seems really nice & the way that that stupid girl in the pink capres kept on punching & slapping her made me wanna jump into there & kickher sorry ass. i feel sooo bad for that poor girl & i just cant believe it! what is the matter with people today?? im not saying anything like that i hope they die because nobody deserves to die but what they did deserves to get punished for & if i could, i would definently go to the girl in the pink pants' house & just KILL HER MYSELF! this may sound mean but that video made me so upset & so angry because i hate girls who think they're so tough & so cool just because they beat a girl up well guess what? yer not! that girl was so scared that she didnt fight back & that makes me mad too because i, personally would've killed those girls. just killed em. that sounds very violent but its the truth. i dont agree with the parents thoguh when they blame the internet cause its just lyk ok wtf does the interent have to do with this?? they internet didnt nearly beat her to death; those stupid ass kids did & they should feel bad & they should get punished because i feel for that girl. i really do. i just feel her pain & im not even the one who got beaten! if i was, i wouldnt, emotionally ever be able to recover from that. just screw the kids that did that because i am so mad with all of this. AMEN!

I have been reading these hateful comments to these young kids, and the people who are making these comments are NO better than these girls. The problem with people today is this: people think the way to combat ugliness is with more ugliness. This is not the way to handle it. People who want to make a difference need to learn to love one another no matter what. If violence and slander, which is exactly what you people are posting (SLANDER) is wrong. I am not saying by any means that what these girls have done is right. It is absolutely horrible! But unfortunately the media is what is turning our children to such hateful acts of crime. If you want to do something to help (rather than all of the immature name calling), PRAY AND PRAY AND PRAY AND PRAY for these girls and boys. Believe me, after what they have done, they are going to have a long and horrible road ahead of them. There punishment will come. But everyone needs friends and love, I don't care who you are. Sometimes it is when people show love, that it can open up a person to change who they are. I am 100% positive that every person on this blog has said something very ugly or even hateful about someone else. Sometimes words do hurt worse than a good beating. None of us are perfect. These girls and boys will hopefully have children of their own someday, and then they will know how Victoria must have felt that day the beat her. Saying things like: i hope she gets raped or I hope she get beaten or she deserves to die or giving out the phone numbers for everyone to harass is petty. These are people who have feelings too. Not to mention think about their family and how they will feel if anything happens to their children. Think about how you would feel if it was your child who may go to jail for the next 10 years. Does nobody know what COMPASSION means anymore? Get a life and have a heart!! You don't know what kind of life these kids may have had. Did their parents beat them or neglect them? What kind of T.V. material have they been exposed to? I do feel sorry for Victoria, but if it would have been me, the first thing I would have done was knocked over that huge glass cabinet and ran for the door. I would have defended myself somehow. To all of you: try to perform one act of random kindness everyday and just maybe we can put a stop to some of this horrible, horrible violence.

no doubt they will be in jail for a long time. there idiots for taping it

Only bitches have to lock people in. only hoes cant fight one on one them bitches will get theirs im sure they wont be cheering when they get out of jail.

I hope these girls and 2 guys get fisted while getting stabbed in the neck right before i eat there hearts then get there dead body buried in there own feces!!

All I have to say is that I hope Victoria Lindsay gets well soon. And I pray to God that she can see again and hear again. What they did to her was wrong and not acceptable. They should be charged for attempted murder. But I just hope those girls know that they are the ones being laughed at. Their plan back fired on them. They really should have thought about their actions...And they all had a bright future! But now, all they will ever see in their future is darkness. And they better pray to God every night until they die, otherwise, they're gonna rott. You know, if someone said crap about me, I wouldnt care cause I know in my heart it aint true! But these girls wanted to get even...well, look where it got cha...gosh, this whole thing just makes me sick. Victoria Lindsay is in my prayers. And all of the people who care for her, cross your fingers and pray.

Thank you for your time.

wat the hell were they thinkin

Stupid hookers. I bet with all the publicity this is getting they end up dead "somehow" rofl.

p.s. I agree with the raping comment too.

while this makes me feel sick so do alot of these comments like the post wanting the girl to get raped what the hell is wrong with that person! what they did was wrong all of them going to jail good. i meen im a guy and ive had a few beatings in my life but generally worse that happens is you come out with a broken nose and feeling sore not hospital and serious harm these people deserve prison time but once there done there not normal by any chance but they have been punished.

OMG...This is what passes for cheerleader now days.

These girls are butt ugly, not to mention they have no souls. Well, they will meet many like themselves in jail.

The guys look like total pusies, which I guess they are.

I guess this Victoria isn't all that nice of a girl and has some problems as well. I bet she is changed by this and sees where anger and attitude can land you (in a heap of trouble or in jail even like the other girls). At any rate, she didn't deserve what she got from these girls.

I think a lot of people in our society are just barbaric. People are ready to resort to violence for the littlest infraction or even for entertainment.

What is lending itself to these barbaric attitudes in our youth and even adults? Could it be our nonchallant attitude on abortion, our divorce rate, our lack of parental involvement, latchkey kids, popular music which depicts gangs and violence, movies which depict violence such as this, etc.?

All of these 8 hopefully get what they deserve. I hope the guys will be raped by fat hairy men scary looking men in jail.

I hope the girls who are already mostly fat and ugly get even fatter on the jail food and spend a long time behind bars. They deserve to be tried as adults.

Yes, the comments are hateful about the 8 kids who did this. I think that is just anger b/c we are all wanting justice for Victoria.

I said some mean things, which I usually wouldn't about the kids, but it is b/c I am outraged by what they did. I think they will get what they deserve and I am sure they are seeing it is not all fun and games now, esp. the boys who are probably in a scarier place than the girls are.

Our ladies group at church had a lady come from prison to talk about prison ministries. She had only been out a few months. She talked about it like it was living in the college dorms. The boys will have it way worse b/c the gang thing is bad in men's prisons and rape is a reality as well. And those boys are pretty small looking, so I'm guessing it will be bad for them.

Someone (like their parents) should have taught the kids better. I agree that they all come off as trailer trash.

And, there are bad messages in society, but the owness is on the girls and the boys who committed the crime. Just so I am clear on that.

I am absolutely shocked! what the f**k were these people thinking in beating Victoria up? When i went to school there were girls and boys that were a bunch of
sh!theads like them but i doubt they were as f**ked as these teens were. Besides what were there parents doing? They must be a bunch of no good screw-ups like their children! Sure i have heard all of this happening in England but this is just crossing the bloody damn line! This reminds me of the couple being beaten up and stamped on the head by chavs just for being a goth. Seriously speaking what are people going to do in the future? They're going to kill someone because they've got the same pair of shoes on! I think their ages should be put aside and they should be punished like every other people do. They are a bunch of motherf**kers.

As a parent this is absolutely the most horrendous thing you can watch. How helpless that young girl was. How could anything she did be bad enough to deserve what they were doing. It is clear that these kids don't have good role models if a parent of any of them can defend their actions in any way. I despise myspace and texting because it is getting harder and harder to make sure our children are safe. These kids should be locked away for a long time. They need some serious repercussions for their actions and serious counseling. It is a shame what that young girl and her parents are being put through.

Oh my god. I hate White Trash so much.

I'm a student and I find that this kind of stuff is hideous and stupid and the students involved got some of what they diserve and I hope they get more coming to them

BITCHES!!!!! i never say i hate some one that i dnt kno but honestly WHO THE FUCK dose that shit just to be put on FUCKIN you tube they r stupid idots who obviously dnt have live and if they did NOW THEY DNT fuckn morons are in jail i hope they get the shit beating out of them like they did to tori


BITCHES!!!!! i never say i hate some one that i dnt kno but honestly WHO THE FUCK dose that shit just to be put on FUCKIN you tube they r stupid idots who obviously dnt have live and if they did NOW THEY DNT fuckn morons are in jail i hope they get the shit beating out of them like they did to tori


BITCHES!!!!! i never say i hate some one that i dnt kno but honestly WHO THE FUCK dose that shit just to be put on FUCKIN you tube they r stupid idots who obviously dnt have live and if they did NOW THEY DNT fuckn morons are in jail i hope they get the shit beating out of them like they did to tori


Youtube existing has no influence on wether or not they would have done it....having a video recorder has no influence of what they did...a bunch of girls beat up another girl...because the victim was a bitch and thought she was all that...she probably threatened them....no they shouldn't have done that! im not on either side... i believe they should have roughed her up a little bit...not kicked her ass...
Cheerleaders today are about ego...always have been... multiple girls have probably had this happen to them...we just hear about it because it's on youtube... im sorry but Myspace shouldn't be banned because numerous amounts of people use it as a power and security blanket..and we shouldn't block youtube for allowing usually funny, awesome, famous videos to be posted...the creators weren't creating it so they could get as many crazy anorexic cheerleaders to kick their friends asses or so people could talk trash to one another...adults are worse then kids about talking crap... go to a girlscouts meeting or a little tykes beauty pageant....there are more fights and verbal abuse then in high school!!Don't blame the millenium for popping out devil children who have no morals...blame the sixties for producing babies who get addicted to crack in the seventies have 8-'s babies who get drunk and high just so they can have sex with the hottest person..producing another generation of children whom parents...don't love their spouse, smokers, addicted to drugs, alchohol, and all-in-all, just don't care...some people(high schoolers) are trying to make it right...stop blaming US!(the kids) FOR OTHER PEOPLES ACTIONS!!! that's prejudice...like saying that all germans hate jews.. not all highschoolers are immoral just because stupid cheerleaders(not all) decide to teach a girl a lesson in the most brutal disturbing haneous most innapropriate way possible..

but i agree education these days sucks and maybe if they spent more money with fine arts, and sports kids wouldn't have to spend their time insulting the other

unconcerned, bratty, putrid, disrepectful, typical, annoying, unloving, demoralized, horny, stupide, inconsiderate Highschooler

Youtube existing has no influence on wether or not they would have done it....having a video recorder has no influence of what they did...a bunch of girls beat up another girl...because the victim was a bitch and thought she was all that...she probably threatened them....no they shouldn't have done that! im not on either side... i believe they should have roughed her up a little bit...not kicked her ass...
Cheerleaders today are about ego...always have been... multiple girls have probably had this happen to them...we just hear about it because it's on youtube... im sorry but Myspace shouldn't be banned because numerous amounts of people use it as a power and security blanket..and we shouldn't block youtube for allowing usually funny, awesome, famous videos to be posted...the creators weren't creating it so they could get as many crazy anorexic cheerleaders to kick their friends asses or so people could talk trash to one another...adults are worse then kids about talking crap... go to a girlscouts meeting or a little tykes beauty pageant....there are more fights and verbal abuse then in high school!!Don't blame the millenium for popping out devil children who have no morals...blame the sixties for producing babies who get addicted to crack in the seventies have 8-'s babies who get drunk and high just so they can have sex with the hottest person..producing another generation of children whom parents...don't love their spouse, smokers, addicted to drugs, alchohol, and all-in-all, just don't care...some people(high schoolers) are trying to make it right...stop blaming US!(the kids) FOR OTHER PEOPLES ACTIONS!!! that's prejudice...like saying that all germans hate jews.. not all highschoolers are immoral just because stupid cheerleaders(not all) decide to teach a girl a lesson in the most brutal disturbing haneous most innapropriate way possible..

but i agree education these days sucks and maybe if they spent more money with fine arts, and sports kids wouldn't have to spend their time insulting the other

unconcerned, bratty, putrid, disrepectful, typical, annoying, unloving, demoralized, horny, stupide, inconsiderate Highschooler

Though I watch this video and shake my head, hear verdicts and gasp, and get angry over this brutish act, I cant help but lay blame on these idiot parenmts who defend their kids after knowing the facts about this whole incident. Their lack pf parental skills also had to do withthis incident. Anyone whom works with kids can tell you that where stheres an idiot kid with a warped sense of moral values and basic fair play, there is an idiot at home whom taught them these sad ways. stupid people should not mate. The court should also mandate parenting classes for the parents

Funny how we find all blame in everything around us and our kids except for looking in a mirror. Youtube, Myspace are really not that different than how our parents used libraries, movie theatres (drive ins), even parks. We mellow together with friends and things happen. Dont blame new ways of communication on your kids mistakes. In fact,its that much easier to have them home using something we can check up on (anybody remember diaries?), or heaven forbid, "interact" with them, rather than them screwing in a car in a vacant lot How romantic), smoking pot at lil Susies (no adult supervision)or giving blowjobs in the theatre (you know some of you did it). Hell, if you think about it, if some of us tended to your own homes more, there would be more communication rather than families alloweding seperation by technology. Computers are for work and study, not so much socializing. Kids are looking to complete strangers for a kind word or comfort? (dare I say "chatrooms and sites filled with pediphiles, rapists, and con artist"? Looking to friends for instruction!? The phrase, "blind leading the blind", comes to mind (they dont even KNOW the person handing them the "How To online"!). Where are the parents!? The parents of these kids make excuses and claim severity on behalf of the law, justification of the beating, blaming the sherriff and denial their child could be involved. Who bothered to teach them manners, moral values, or even a little fair play? This is a prime example of why things like prayer, sex ed., and fundamentals of adulthood need to be taught in schools, many kids are not being fed at home in any way shape or form. We rely on fast foods to feed them, computers to educate them, television to keep them out of our hair and strangers to comfort them. Personally, Im pretty fed up with street wise kids affecting my children and parents who "gave up" or "dont bother". Placing me in a position where I have to explain to my young ones that some kids are allowed to do whatever they please because mommy and daddy dont care. Or that they are made to feel that in everything they are victims and have to be brutish. At what point do I tell my son because lil Johnnie from class whos parents are never home keeps poking him, to just turn around and punch him in the freaking face? I dont allow it because he has to endure other peoples failures or oversites and not resort to violence unless its a last resort or to defend himself. Plainly, Im most assured this "victim" is not lilly white, she was their friend and they turned on her in a big way as she probably would have done them. "Birds of a feather" yo. She easily could have been on the "giving" end as she was on the "receiving" end. For heavens sake parents, spend some time with your kids, get to know them and their friends, read the signs people. Think back to your younger days...yeah folks, worry about it. They are in fact, YOUR kids. As for Youtube, Myspace, Live video and all other video sites..check them out...fights galore, sex rampant, cussing accepted, how come your kid is using it? I see porno everywhere I go, doesnt mean I pick it up. Just means I know to leave it alone, its not for me. Asswhoopings were being handed out before my days, accidents, people getting "owned" pranks,arguements,and people getting caught cheating have been around forever, Now theres proof. learn it, explain it to your kids and do a better job with morals, values and communication with them. believe it or not, all these new things have added so much stress into their young lives and thigs like computers and the many many links and pictures that come with it have exposed our kids to too much of a good things .....knowledge. Look up school and you get education, porno, beating videos, murder, drug endussed rants...this is their lives. Parents need to step in and be parents, educators, encouragers, leaders, good examples and friends to their young minds. Above all these things, let there be love because anything done without love is not done right. We have video of but one incident of things not done right. Please, please, get to know your kids and all young minds. Make "time" before they wind up "doing" time because "time" WILL wind up doing them.


Ohh yeah baby, ohh yeah. Just simple kids stuff. You're all idiots for blaming Myspace. Grow a pair and get a grip on reality. Our children do this kind of thing all the time and have for years. Has nothing to do with Myspace at all. Ahahaha "anti-christ for teenagers" stupid oblivious christfags.

Mutha Fukas! If They Came Round My Town, Believe me, Theyd Get Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition, Id Film It, Put It On Myspace And Then Burn A Copy To DVD And Send It To Victoria As A get Well Soon Gift! Lil' Punks I Hope You Become Somebodies Bitch! Fuckers!

This just shows how sad the world is coming, and how technology is taking things to far. These girls had no right to beat the girl up, and what were they thinking with doing it just to post it on you tube? did they not realize the charges that would be pressed. I dont think world hummulation is enough for these young ladies, violence such as this happens all the time. They keep on letting people get by with less and less punishment. its needs to be stopped. violence is NEVER the answer. The parents should be ashamed of themselves for sticking up for their children, it just proves that sometimes parents do way to much for their kids. Horrible....just horrible

this reallly pisses me off...fighting over shyt like this?? pathetic. if onlii i can get my hands on these skankzz ... 6 on 1 is REALLY unfair. if you wanted to settle it then you should have talked 1 on 1 or fight 1 on 1. makes a little more sense? i so wish they come and move down in my hood!!! i would def. like to teach them lesson ... show em how it feels like to get jumped. lol do their number still work??

wat a loada basterd id love to hurt them id lock them in a room with a camra n tourcher them till they scream out to stop fuckin basterds

Evil white-trash whores. They'll be walking chlamydia factories by the time they're 20, that's if their cunt holes haven't been demolished by a broomstick at the hands of some juvie dyke with a fetish for flat-chested skanks in the interim.

I hope that these PUSSY BITCHES reamber the saying: "No matter how tough you think that you are there is always someone stronger out there" and karma will catch up to those BASTARDS one day, and hopefully they get a WORSE beating then Victoria Lindsay did, they have it comming to them!! Hopefully in PRISON while they are getting BUTT PUMPED for droping the damn soap bar.

They are CUNTS and so is the mother who defended her daughter for "Not being VIOLENT" when she had charges pressed against her weeks before for stabing a boy at their school.

If they want to take such "adult" actions when confronting someone, then they should definitly be treated as such and be charged worse for the shit that they pulled!!

i hope they all get what they deserve. This disgusts me!! What the hell were these people thinking, and what i really want to know is what they were fighting over? This really shows how "mature" these girls really are.


I've talked shit to girls on myspace and they done it back but jumping a girl 6-1 is unfair and out of control. The parents are wrong in that, it is not myspace's fault or facebook nor youtubes.
"guns dont kill people, spoons dont make people fat"

I've talked shit to girls on myspace and they done it back but jumping a girl 6-1 is unfair and out of control. The parents are wrong in that, it is not myspace's fault or facebook nor youtubes.
"guns dont kill people, spoons dont make people fat"

ii hope tht aprill girll gets fuqkedd over in jaill.. shes a fuqkn ugly cuntt.

i know them & they are all sluts.

that is fucked up that is my cousin and shit i ant even no that was my cousin wen i seen the pictures. it's bullshit what they did. if i was her i would of hit bacc and not those hoes TRY to make em like cool an big an bad. PS: NO ONE BETTER TRY TO START SHIT WITH HER CAUSE YOU CAN GET IT REAL TALK. AND NO ONE BETTER BE RUNNIN DEY DAMN MOUTH BOUT IT CAUSE THEY ANT GOT NO REASON FOR MY COUSIN NAME BE IN THEY MOUTH. so keep her name shut so i don't have to shut it for yu

those girls are a bunch of pussy's.
those guys are a bunch of bitches i would kick all there asses.
i think they should rot in jail.
as for victoria i hope she is ok.

these ppl are so fucking stupid! who the hell do they think they are?! they better go to hell, and get like shanked or something in juvyy.

they need help . what they did to her was unbelievable & so wrong . they could of killled her. maybe when theyre in jail theyll get what they did right back.

oh wow!! These kids are soooooooo HOOD!!!!(sarcasm). esp. the dude with the mustache!!! I hope all y'all lil gangsters get violated with bars of soaps during your incarceration periods. To Miss Tori,....what ever doesn't kill ya baby girl, only makes you stronger!! Press on. They will get theirs, just you wait n' see!!

why did they beat her up, you dont just decide to crash into someone's house kidnap them and knock em' out theres got to be a reason

i watched the video and that was not called for and it was brudal and i hope they rot in jail

arite all EIGHT of you girls must of felt like the shit ganging up on ONE 16 year old girl and beating her up at the same time?you dont sound too fucken tough to me.. honestly if you wanted to beat this girls ass you dont set her up at her own house and kick the shit out of her at the same time and video record it to put in on myspace.. wtf that makes you all look so dumb and you girls are SO dumb.. grow some balls and dont pick on some little girl when she has no one to back her up PUSSSIIESS:)


i MEAN fiGhtiNG A GiRL iS ONE thiNG.


i hOPE thEY ROt iN PRiSON!!!

All of those girls who beat up victoria are so inconcederate. I feel that they have no remorse and no feelings what-so-ever..And for that one girl who was laughing in the court room, wow.your sooo dumb.Why do you think that shyt is funny?? It eint.. How would you like it if someone did that shyt to you?! Bitch you wouldnt like it!! None of you girls would of like that shyt if it happened to you,You would be ferious..I wish that I lived close to you, all of you so i can so you the real deal...But i cant.I live all the way over in california.Dam.That video that was posted on the internet everywhere and when it showed on television ,made me soo upset.I also feel that all of you who did that to victoria are sick and twisted,and that you all are supposably big and bad that you guys have to trick her into coming to someones house and just start running your mouths and beat her?! Oh well so what if victoria was talking her mess over myspace, that still dont give you the right to trick her and beat her..Havnt you heard of one-on-one fighting? Dumb bitches.Thats what i call fair fighting.You bitches basically jumped her,and thats not right.Not to her or anyone else..Well im not going to wish anything on you, or say anything else because karma will be a bigger bitch than I'll ever be..

i hope these bitches get there asses beat in jail. i wont be happy until each of them have broken limbs and a smashed faces. Even better i hope they get tied up and victoria can beat the shit out of them. those bitches are the hoes not victoria. im so pissed


i hope that all these dumb bitches get there ass's kicked. and i hope that they all burn in hell after they die for doing this to poor victoria. its pathetic how cruel they were, and i hope to see them get there ass kicked.

Hang them! All eight of them! And punish the Emo NWO who provoked it!


I hope the two guys (especially mustache boy) get bummed in the shitter in the prison showers!!!


They all fucking nob heads!

April Cooper begged me to pull it out and squirt my spunk all over her face, so I did. Needless to say, she loved it!

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