Tuesday, November 07, 2006
MySpace Claims Band URL for Fox TV Show
Well, I was wondering when the next social networking misstep would occur. NewsCorp decided to exercise eminent domain over a band's MySpace page. The MySpace page of a band called Bones was briefly taken over by that of the TV show Bones.
"Losing our URL was a complete surprise to us," Bones singer/bassist Michael Miller said yesterday. "We logged on one day and found David Boreanaz staring back at us. It sucks because we've used that URL for almost two years to build our band name and fan base, and it's on all of our product and posters. We're as indie as it gets and can't afford to reprint everything."After an outpouring of outrage,
"Tom" wrote the band, saying, "I heard about what happened with your URL. I gave it back to ya...Sorry about that! As we grow in size, sometimes people make decisions I don't know about. This was obviously the wrong decision. The Bones URL is yours once again. :-) "Tom deigned to give the page back, but the incident really highlights that MySpace is really now NewsCorpSpace.
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