Tuesday, December 12, 2006
confab.yahoo Hosts Micro-Conference on Prediction Markets
confab.yahoo is a series of micro-conferences that will be held at Yahoo headquarters. The first, taking place tomorrow from 5:30-8:00 pm, is entitled "Prediction Markets: Tapping into the Wisdom of Crowds". You can sign up on Upcoming.org to attend in person, or watch the webcast.
Here's the pitch:
Here's the pitch:
Join us for a public “how to” session on prediction markets1 moderated by James Surowiecki, New Yorker columnist and best-selling author of The Wisdom of Crowds.
Bo Cowgill from Google, Leslie Fine from HP, Todd Proebsting from Microsoft, and Dave Pennock from Yahoo! will describe how they are using prediction markets to aid corporate forecasting and decision making.
Other speakers include Chris Hibbert, the developer of Zocalo, an open source prediction market platform; Adam Siegel, the co-founder of InklingMarkets.com, a Paul Graham yCombinator startup, and Robin Hanson, the visionary economist and inventor whose pioneering work paved the way.
The event will emphasize practical lessons and hands-on advice. After brief presentations from each speaker, Surowiecki will open up the session for discussion with the audience.
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