Monday, December 11, 2006
Authorize iTunes Music Library on More Than Five Computers
Maybe this scenario isn't that realistic: how many people have five computers that they use on a regular basis? However, if you're one of the rare few, Firblitz has created a handy AppleScript app for the Mac users that will help you authorize your library on more than five computers.
For the Windows users, Lifehacker explains
iTunes stores authorization info in a hidden folder (/Users/Shared/SC
on Macs,C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info
on Windows). On an authorized computer, back up the SC Info folder, de-authorize the computer, then restore the original SC Info folder. Your computer should work as though it's authorized, but will no longer take up an authorization slot in iTunes.
Just so you're aware, there is a gotcha. If you follow this method, you won't be able to listen to music you've purchased after the authorization trick, since iTunes changes the key each time you download a new song (apparently it still works with your old purchases). However, if you're in a situation where you need to authorize over 5 computers and you're content with what this solution will yield, it may be worth a try.
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