Monday, November 20, 2006
BuzzFeed Appeals to the Non-Geek User
BuzzFeed is a new memetracker that monitors what's hot on the web. Topics include movies, music, fashion, ideas, and technology. Notice technology is last. There isn't talk of going "beneath the metadata". Instead, the $100 laptop is featured. BuzzFeed is clearly going after a different sort of user than Techmeme or even Tailrank. It's more entertainment-oriented with popular buzz about Borat, Nintendo Wii, and Nip Slips at the top of the charts.
This particular memetracker blends machine filtering with human commentary to create a more personalized sort of newsfeed. Each news item has a short blurb with some chatty bit of text to draw the eye.
While I think memetrackers are still a little too firmly planted in the geek side of the net, BuzzFeed has enough of a general appeal that a more diverse group of users might be drawn to it.

While I think memetrackers are still a little too firmly planted in the geek side of the net, BuzzFeed has enough of a general appeal that a more diverse group of users might be drawn to it.
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