Sunday, December 14, 2008
Demi Lovato Denies Being Cutter
Demi Lovato has denied being a cutter. The 16-year-old Disney starlet was spotted sporting a series of red marks on her wrists in photos taken at fellow star Miley Cyrus' birthday party this October which spawned speculation about their cause. Most cutters start in their teens out of a need to feel control over their lives or emotions, but they are also usually careful to hide their behavior, lending less credence to the Lovato self-injury theory.
In a quick rebuttal, Demi Lovato's publicist Allison Leslie explained the unusual marks: "Demi was wearing gummy bracelets just prior to her appearance on the red carpet and, because of how tight they were, they left indentations on her wrist."
First coming to fame in the Disney TV movie "Camp Rock", Demi Lovato also has a blossoming music career, releasing an album "Don't Forget" written in part by the Jonas Brothers.
Demi Lovato Cutter Photos

Demi Lovato with Strange Marks on Wrist

Close-up of Demi Lovato's Cuts