Monday, October 30, 2006
Metacafe Producer Rewards Launched; Get Paid for Sharing Videos

Metacafe, a video sharing site based in Israel, has launched its Producer Rewards program. You get paid based on the number of views your video gets. The scale is $100 for 20,000 views, $1000 for 200,000, and $10,000 for 2 million views. The top earner has supposedly earned about $23,000 for his video on "reel" stunts. Others in the top 10 have grossed more than $2000 each.

Producer Rewards are being heavily promoted within Metacafe with revenue counters next to every video that has earned money. It remains to be seen whether gaming Metacafe's view counters will be as easy as with YouTube. Still, does incentivizing the posting of content work better than depending on the sharing, publicity-seeking principle driving other video sites? Once a site goes down the path of paying users for uploading videos, then the "social contract" between users and the site becomes a business contract, changing the nature of the relationship. As the example of YouTube shows, sharing is often a more powerful motivator than profit.
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